Sunday, 20 April 2014

Focus on Business Success

photo credit: Adam Foster | Codefor via photopin cc 

For the next few weeks I want to take a closer look at what defines success in any business. Blogging, freelance writing, and any kind of on-line business are still just that - a business. They don't exist in a vacuum. If you plan on turning your on-line presence into a business, you need to know how to survive in the business world.

What defines success in business? There isn't any one thing, but rather a group of things. We've all heard the customer's always right, or how important time management is. To succeed in business you need a whole philosophical approach. You need to look at all aspects of your business and develop an actual culture within your Organization.

Do you set goals for yourself? Have you pictured where you want to be in a year or even five years from now? We all should, on both a personal and professional level. In fact, many of the principles for success in your personal life, also apply in your professional life.

There's no magic bullet here. It's largely common sense. If you look at the difference between Bill Gates and a college graduate working in a dead end job, it's about drive. 

There's no doubt that your Bill Gates and Steve Jobs of the world are brilliant men, but for every one of them there are a thousand gifted individuals doing little with their lives because they lack the drive.

Even if you're blogging just for fun, you can benefit from critically examining your approach. You must want someone to read your blog or you wouldn't be publishing it.  

Who knows? You might start blogging as a simple distraction from the ups and downs of every day life, and realize it's something you really like. Besides, anything worth doing is worth doing well. Oh yes, I did use that cliche!

Have you thought about where you want to be in five years from now personally and professionally? Leave a comment, I'd love to hear about it.

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