Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Towards a New You

Well Christmas is over for another year and I'm sure we've all had our fill of turkey and ham. I know I have! It's certainly a wonderful time of the year, but man is it tiring!Still New Year's to look forward to though. Definitely a good time for reflection on the year that has been.

What I'm more interested in though is the year to come. Every year begins with expectation and hope. The question is can you act upon these expectations to accomplish great things? The answer is simple; yes. So how do you go about this? Break the cycle. That's right break the cycle. Forget about a list of New Years resolutions and simply commit to one. Become a better you.

What I mean by become a better you is a total commitment to change. Change both your physical and mental well being. They can not be mutually exclusive. To be at your best you have to improve in both areas. It is only by recognising this simple truth that you begin to fulfil your potential in life.

Be prepared there is no magic pill to accomplish this. It takes perseverance and hard work. But you can do it. Stop procrastinating. Start today; don't wait for New Year's Day. I realise it's hard to eat right and avoid alcohol on New Year's Eve, but that's one day. Consider that a cheat day. Don't dwell on it, and consider every day before and after it as a step on the way to a new you. Maybe it's hard to get to the gym during the holidays, but you can go for a walk. In fact, I'm off for one now! Good luck on your journey. Mine starts now!

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